Embark on an exhilarating adventure into the dynamic world of 3D animation with our comprehensive course, “Animating Realities: A 3-Month Journey into 3D Animation with Maya.” Presented by Taana Pro Skills Academy, this program is designed to immerse you in the art and science of 3D animation using Autodesk Maya, a leading software in the industry.

Course Overview:

Introduction to 3D Animation and Maya: Gain a holistic understanding of 3D animation and its diverse applications. Familiarize yourself with the Autodesk Maya interface, navigating the workspace, and grasping the essentials of its basic tools.

Modeling in Maya: Dive into the fundamentals of 3D modeling, exploring polygon modeling techniques. Learn to create simple objects and scenes, laying the groundwork for your journey into the realm of three-dimensional storytelling.

Texturing and Shading: Unlock the secrets of texturing in Maya, applying materials and shaders to breathe life into your creations. Master the basics of UV mapping to enhance the visual richness of your 3D models.

Rigging and Character Setup: Explore the intricacies of rigging in Maya, creating and controlling joints and skeletons with precision. Learn best practices for character setup and rigging, essential skills for bringing characters to life in your animations.

Animation Basics: Delve into the principles of animation, covering keyframing, animation curves, and creating basic animations with characters and objects. Develop the skills to infuse personality and movement into your 3D creations.

Lighting and Rendering: Illuminate your 3D world with the basics of lighting in Maya. Apply lights strategically to scenes and gain insights into the rendering process, bringing your animated scenes to life with stunning visual appeal.

Dynamics and Simulations: Explore the realm of dynamics and simulations in Maya, including particle systems, fluids, and cloth simulations. Learn to seamlessly incorporate dynamic elements into your animations, adding realism and complexity.

Final Project: Apply your newfound skills to a final 3D animation project, where you’ll showcase your ability to model, animate, and bring a creative vision to life. Engage in feedback and critique sessions to refine your work, leading to the presentation of your final project.


  • Active participation in class discussions and activities.
  • Completion of 3D animation assignments and quizzes to reinforce learning.
  • Midterm 3D animation project showcasing acquired skills and understanding.
  • Final 3D animation project and presentation, demonstrating comprehensive proficiency in 3D animation with Maya.

Unleash your creativity and technical prowess in “Animating Realities,” where imagination meets industry-leading tools, shaping you into a skilled 3D animator ready to bring captivating stories to life.